I LOVE ROTARY. I am sure you do too! Together we have to work to make our District bigger and more impactful. We have to grow our membership responsibly and share our love for Rotary with everyone. We don't need more "members". We need more ROTARIANS!

Sunday, 25 September 2011


It took me sometime to write this mail and I was reluctant initially but I thought I should share  with you some of my thoughts on Membership development and Retention.
The biggest problem we face at club level in the issue of membership is a lack of a solid Public image of  Rotary,our clubs and our projects. We are not convincing enough and my suggestions are mainly to improve our image. If we have a good and prominent profile,it is only a matter of time before we start seeing people queuing to join Rotary.

How do we improve our Public Image?

I am firm believer that people will be attracted to us if we start thinking big in terms of our projects that would create a powerful impact on the Public and as well as making sure that the benefits are long term and meaningful. Today,we have a situation where we have 72 clubs doing 72 different projects which though meaningful in their own right, gives an impression to the newcomers or potential members that what we are doing is no big deal to them and we are too individualistic. We need to make a big leap in our planning to make sure that every one who joins us feel that Rotary is the best.

How do we do it?

First and foremost,we need to implement a "DISTRICT PROJECT" . This could be done together with District 3310 .
We need to identify a meaningful and long term project (3-5 years) in consultation and co operation with the Government of the day and the project should bring about  significant socio-economic changes to the beneficiaries. This project should be decided by the District with all the clubs informed at least a year before the implementation so that all the clubs would be fully prepared to commit themselves. Undertaking a project of this nature nation-wide will generate enormous publicity and goodwill to Rotary. For this to succeed,the District must have the desire and will and mark my words,we will see the difference.

Secondly,we need to think of a "STATE PROJECT" whereby all the clubs from a single state undertake a common project at the state level. The project should follow the pattern of the District project which should be meaningful and long term and working hand in hand with the Government of the day and other departments.

Carrying out  District and  State projects will bring all our clubs together bonded with a sense of purpose in the pursuit of a common cause. This will generate a lot Positive publicity for Rotary,district as well as our clubs and this in turn will appeal to new members.

Clubs should carry on with their projects with every club having at least 1 Flagship project which again should be long term and bring significant changes to our local communities.

Besides projects,it is time that our District come up with a book about ourselves,about the projects we do as well as our goals and and long term strategies.This could be another significant tool in our membership development drive.

These suggestions involve planning and requires co operation at all levels. I believe we should work on new strategies if it is feasible as we Rotarians have nothing but concern for our organization.

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